Watch out for the Red Flags when Dealing with Nsor Ojiji of Elohay Wills Botanicals!

Nsor Ojiji is a scammer. Elohay-Wills Ltd is a scam. You should not do business with them or attempt to source any botanicals or herbs and spices if you wish to guard yourself against a ripoff. Let us first go through the basic information about the company and the individual representing the organization to highlight the red flags. Nsor Ojiji represents Elohay Wills Botanicals, also known as Noga Wills, Elohay-Wills Ltd. and Eco-Tropics. No exporter in the world is known by so many different names unless they are subsidies dealing with distinct substances. All these companies apparently export the same spices and herbs. There is only one address of the organization. It is apparently based at 60A, MCC Road in Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria. Their phone number is 234 - 802 - 8404991 and their website address is

There is no official record of the company. There is no online profile of Nsor Ojiji that you can refer to and verify the credentials. As per the claims made on the official website, Elohay-Wills Botanicals happens to be a registered company. It is apparently registered as per the provisions of Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria. The company deals in organic agricultural commodities and it is all about exports. The company does not seem to have any retail or wholesale operations in Nigeria. The rare herbal or botanical raw materials are pegged as useful for phyto-pharmaceutical industries around the world. The company also claims to deal in exotic African spices and food grains.

None of these claims are backed by facts. The company also states that it has botanists, professional crop scientists, tree finders and international marketers. There is no profile of any of these individuals. There are no scientists profiled on the website. There is no academic qualification or any professional accreditation provided on the site. The professionals seem to have ten years of experience in agriculture, food spices, herbal products, grains and herbs. This experience is unsubstantiated.

The company claims to have expertise in international trading, quality controls and industry standards. None of these are illustrated. The company does not speak of any specific standard or quality control measure. It does not speak of any special harvesting methodology or how it preserves the grains, spices and herbs before they export the same to its overseas clients. The blog is basically empty. There are reports of scam and ripoff wherein people have paid money to Nsor Ojiji or Elohay Wills Botanicals and have received nothing in return.


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