Seven Important Benefits of Wearing Socks
As a kid did you ever stop to wonder why your mom and dad were
always hassling you to put on your socks
and shoes when it would have been so much easier to slip on your shoes and
go. Well, it turns out the old adage
“momma knows best” isn't just a good saying when it comes to socks, it is the
truth. So what exactly are the benefits
of wearing socks? We are glad you
asked. Here are five real benefits of
keeping socks on your feet.
Keep Your Feet Dry
Keeping your feet dry might not seem like a big deal, but a good
pair of socks wick moisture off of your feet.
This, in turn, cut down your risks of developing disgusting conditions
such as athletes foot or toenail funguses.
Keeping your feet dry will keep them healthy and happy.
Protection For Your Feet
Wearing a good pair of wool socks can help keep out dirt, small
rocks, and other debris out from between your toes, which can cause unwanted
rubbing and irritation. Socks also help stop blisters from the friction of your
feet and toes rubbing against the sides of your shoes.
Stop The Smell
No one in their right mind wants to walk into a room and be the
person that smells. Changing your socks
daily will help cut down on the smell as your socks are helping absorb the
sweat from your feet to keep them try, which in turn cuts down on the horrible
Staying Warm
Floors can become extremely cold in your home can pull during the
winter months. An excellent pair of slipper socks
can keep your feet warm and make life just a little more pleasant. Also, wool socks can trap body heat even when
wet protecting you from frostbite when you are outside fighting the
Blood Circulation
Compression socks are designed to help maintain pressure in your
calves and feet. This helps maintain good circulation and can even reduce swelling
and other discomforts such and tingling etc.
Compression socks can be used by athletes as well as anyone that has
poor blood flow, such as the elderly.
Yes, that is right. Socks
even act as a cushion between the sole of your foot and the sole of your
shoe. This extra padding helps avoid
blisters and makes finding a comfortable pair of shoes even more natural.
Sweet Head-Turning Style
There are so many different styles of socks nowadays. You are not just stuck with a white tube sock
with stripes at the top. You can find
socks in every length imaginable from thigh high socks to no show socks that hide
perfectly inside your shoe and every length in-between. On top of lengths, you can find fun patterns,
colors, and even materials to make your socks collection a thing of legend.
So what have we learned from these important facts about
socks? Firstly, you should always listen
to your mom because she knows best.
Secondly, socks are an essential part of our daily lives. So, always wear them, change them daily and
find a style you love to ensure happy, healthy feet for a long time to come.
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