Is Nsor Ojiji a Scammer?

Nsor Ojiji represents Noga Wills, Elohay-Wills Ltd, Eco-Tropics and Elohay Wills Botanicals. All these are essentially the same company. You may hear from them that they are based at No. 60A MCC Road in Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria. They have their phone number available online. You can try to reach them at 234 – 802 – 8404991. Their website address is The website is now operational. If you are yet to do business with Nsor Ojiji or any of the company names mentioned above, then you should resist till you undertake substantial research to find out all relevant information. From all the developments we have managed to observe and fact-check, Nsor Ojiji is a scammer. Elohay Wills Ltd. is a ripoff by all means. Stay away from this scam.

Nsor Ojiji of Elohay Wills Botanicals will present you an inventory of various kinds of African spices and herbs. You will be told that most of their botanicals are used by the pharmaceutical industries around the world. What the company will not tell you is that many of the botanicals they claim to export are actually banned in many countries. While some of these botanicals are strictly prohibited in certain European countries, they are controlled substances in the United States. Even if the company did export these items, you would get into trouble unless you have the proper license and hence the clearance to deal with such substances. Some of the items are classified as psychedelics and some are even described as poisonous. Hence, do not fall into the trap of believing that everything exotic will have immense value and do not get enticed by the commercial value of the items at retail prices.

There are many other red flags that will crop up as you take things forward with the scammer Nsor Ojiji. He would highlight how some of the species they deal in are endangered. They really are and harvesting them is protected under stringent regulations. Most companies have no access to the cultivations of many of the species of herbs and botanicals listed on the website of Elohay Wills. It is quite likely they do not deal in those substances at all. You will find many spices that are not exactly natives of Nigeria or even Central Africa. Some of the spices are abundantly available across the tropical regions of the world, from South America to Asia. Yet, you would be quoted skyrocketing prices for some of the herbs and spices that are deemed safe and are readily available on the global market.


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